
Specialist for magnesium, rare earth and zirconium compounds

Under the trademark LUVOMAG® we pool a uniquely broad range of magnesia compounds and industrial minerals for many different applications and markets. The diversity of the possible applications reflects the width of our range of supply.

With our experience of 120 years we are a competent and reliable partner for our customers and prospects. We respond individually to customer and market requirements through applications engineering advice, supported by modern laboratory facilities and a constantly growing product portfolio.

Magnesium oxide

Our delivery program includes synthetic and natural magnesium compounds. You will find our standard grades below; further specialties are available.

Magnesium hydroxide

Our delivery program includes synthetic and natural magnesium compounds. You will find our standard grades below; further specialties are available.

LUVOMAG® Magnesium hydroxide

Typical values

 OriginPurity [wt %} 
H 002 99.2  0.02 BET 10 m2/g
H 015 99.00.450.120.04 BET 10 m2/g
H 110 96.50.700.100.0731.5 
H 257 and var. milled grades available
Brucite granular and milled grades available

Lol: loss on ignition.
Further grades and property details available upon request.

Food, nutrition and pharma grades

Please find information on this range of products here!

Magnesium carbonate

Our delivery program includes synthetic and natural magnesium compounds. You will find our standard grades below; further specialties are available.

LUVOMAG® Magnesium carbonate

Typical chemical values

 OriginPurity [wt %}Other properties 
Syn.Nat.MgO*CaOSiO2Fe2O3LoIParticle size
d50 [μm]
density [g/l]
C 430 40.0  0.02 6135 
C 060 40.00.45 0.02 40690 
C 025 42.00.32 0.0154 %2165 
C 019 6310 
C 400 42.80.75   40440 
C 014 43.00.31 0.03 680 
C 013 43.80.25 0.003 8120 
MC 100 %5  
MC 500 %45 / Gran  
MC 200 %5  
MC 210 %Gran 0-5 mm
Grip Cube 41.0    > 200120Sports chalk
Grip Chunk 41.0    > 200120Sports chalk

* On ignited basis.
Chemical composition: natural MgCO3, synthetic 4MgCO3·Mg(OH)2·5H2O.
Further grades and property details available upon request.

Food, nutrition and pharma grades

Please find information on this range of products here!

Other Magnesium compounds

Our delivery program includes synthetic and natural magnesium compounds. You will find our standard grades below; further specialties are available.

LUVOMAG® Magnesium compounds

Typical values

  OriginPurity [wt %} 
S 700Sulphate: MgSO4 anhydrous 98.70.002Powder
S 900Sulphate: MgSO4 anhydrous 98.50.01Powder
S 800/801Sulphate: MgSO4 anhydrous 98.5 Powder d50 300μm
S 770Sulphate: MgSO4 x 7 H2O 99.70.001Granulate
S 880/881Sulphate: MgSO4 x 7 H2O 99.0« 0,001Powder d50 900μm
MGCLChloride: MgCL2 x 6 H2O 46.8 Flakes; AF grade available
NO3-99Nitrate: Mg(NO3)2 x 6 H2O 99.8< 0.001Granulate

AF: certified animal feed grade.
Further grades and property details available upon request.

Food, nutrition and pharma grades

Please find information on this range of products here!

Rare earth and zirconium compounds

Our range of rare earth and zirconium compounds can be found here on the homepage of our parent company Lehmann&Voss&Co., Hamburg, Germany

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